James Wallace

For sale

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James Wallace

Autumn in Kensington Gardens

James Wallace

Autumn in Kensington Gardens

James Wallace


Blyth 1872 - 1911 Berwick

Regrettably little is known about the Northumbrian artist James Wallace, who is believed to have been taught by his father, the artist James Wallace (1841-1911), at the Corporation Academy or Berwick Art School, Berwick-upon-Tweed. He exhibited at the Royal Academy of Arts, London from 1899–1911, as well as the Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh and the Glasgow Institute. By 1910, he was living at the family home, known as The Walls in Berwick-upon-Tweed, but moved back to London to look after his father, who died a year later. Tragically, his son barely outlived him.

The work of James Wallace is represented at Berwick Museum & Art Gallery.  


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