John Frederick Herring Jnr

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John Frederick Herring Jnr

John Frederick Herring Jnr


Doncaster 1815 - 1907 Fulbourn


John Frederick Herring Jnr was the eldest of John Frederick Herring Snr’s three artist sons, the others being Charles (1828-1856) and Benjamin (1830-1871). Known to family and friends as Fred, he signed his earliest works J. Fred Herring, sometimes adding Jnr. to his signature.

Both in style and subject matter John Frederick Jnr was greatly influenced by his father. This is seen particularly in his agricultural and farmyard scenes and steeplechasing subjects. He claimed that to be a good painter of horses, one had to be ‘brought up in the stable’.

It has been suggested that Herring Senior and his son quarrelled over the similarity of their work, and Herring Jnr did not begin to exhibit his paintings at the Royal Academy until 1863, in order to avoid further conflict with his father.



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