The Swan Inn: peasants feasting and merrymaking in a village street
Josef van Bredael
A village scene with travellers by a windmill
Laurence Stephen Lowry
Study of people and animals
Federico Zandomeneghi
Au théâtre
Henry Moore
Family group
Henry Moore
Maquette for Mother and child with apple
Jan Mijtens
Portrait of two children in a landscape, with their dog by their side
Sir Alfred Munnings
The horse fair
Charles Wellington Furse
Gathering flowers
Godfried Schalcken
Portrait of a young lady as the goddess Diana attended by her nymphs, in a forest with a hunting dog
Sir William Russell Flint
Carlton Alfred Smith
Saying grace
Edwin Harris
Spring flowers
Franz Christoph Janneck
The painter's studio; The sculptor's studio
Henry Moore
Maquette for Figure on steps
Henry Moore
Family group
William Roberts
The drinking fountain
James Wallace
Autumn in Kensington Gardens
George Elgar Hicks
Osier whitening or withy peeling
Ernest Crofts
The Funeral of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria on 2nd February 1901
Heywood Hardy
Refreshments at a wayside inn
Sir George Clausen
The visit
Sir John Lavery
The Paisley Lawn Tennis Club
Edward Cucuel
The picnic
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