Modern and Post War British

Sir George Clausen - Sea deep blue

Sir George Clausen

Sea deep blue

Samuel John Peploe - The Luxembourg Gardens, Paris

Samuel John Peploe

The Luxembourg Gardens, Paris

Laurence Stephen Lowry - Children walking

Laurence Stephen Lowry

Children walking

Henry Moore - Family group

Henry Moore

Family group

Henry Moore - Reclining figure: Snake

Henry Moore

Reclining figure: Snake

Henry Moore - Maquette for Mother and child with apple

Henry Moore

Maquette for Mother and child with apple

Dame Barbara Hepworth - Hollow oval (January)

Dame Barbara Hepworth

Hollow oval (January)

Patrick Caulfield - Brown jug

Patrick Caulfield

Brown jug

Sir George Clausen - The visit

Sir George Clausen

The visit

Sir George Clausen - My orchard

Sir George Clausen

My orchard

Mary Fedden - Petunias, pansy & crocus

Mary Fedden

Petunias, pansy & crocus

Mary Fedden - Three crocuses

Mary Fedden

Three crocuses

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