Still life of roses, poppies, an iris and other flowers in a glass vase on a stone shelf, with a peeled orange and strawberries in Wanli dish
Franz Christoph Janneck
The painter's studio; The sculptor's studio
Jean Baptiste Monnoyer
Flowers in a gilt urn with fruit on a ledge
Georgius Jacobus Johannes van Os
Still life of a peony, poppies, an iris, a carnation, hollyhocks and other flowers in a vase, with fruit on a marble ledge in a vase, with fruit on a marble ledge
Salomon van Ruysdael
Landscape with waggons on a sandy road
Dirck Santvoort
Young girl holding buttercups,with a dog beside her
Godfried Schalcken
Portrait of a girl in a pink dress, with a parrot in a forest landscape
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