Royal Academicians

Richard Green is proud to present an exhibition of forty-four works by Royal Academicians in celebration of the 250th anniversary of the historic British Arts Institution to coincide with the world’s longest running annual display of contemporary art, the Summer Exhibition. Spanning the eighteenth to the twenty-first century, the show will include portraiture by Sir Thomas Lawrence, Johan Zoffany and Sir John Lavery, landscapes by JMW Turner, as well as still life subjects from Anne Redpath to Mary Fedden. The display will feature the work of illustrious past Presidents Sir Joshua Reynolds, Sir Frank Dicksee and Sir Alfred Munnings, as well as contemporary artist Sean Scully, presenting establishment figures such as Sir Luke Fildes alongside individualists Algernon Newton and LS Lowry. In addition to representing traditional genres in figurative styles, the exhibition will also highlight dramatic developments of the twentieth century with abstract painting and sculpture by William Gear, Sir Terry Frost, Alan Davie, William Scott and Dame Elisabeth Frink.

Richard Green has sold over thirty works by Royal Academicians to regional and international museum collections including The Pola Museum of Art, Kanagawa, Japan, the Dahesh Museum of Art, New York, the Rijksmuseum Twenthe, the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston and the Yale Center for British Art, New Haven.

Royal Academicians

147 New Bond Street, W1S 2TS

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