Winter Show NY Returns to London

Winter Show NY Returns to London 

on view at 147 New Bond Street, London


Winter Show NY Returns to London

Park Avenue Armory 643 Park Ave, New York, NY 10065, United States

Henriette Ronner-Knip - A basket of mischief

Henriette Ronner-Knip

A basket of mischief

Pieter Faes - Still life with a rose, peonies and other flowers in a hardstone vase on a marble ledge, with a bird'snest; Still life with flowers in a hardstone vase on a marble ledge, with a sprig of hydrangea

Pieter Faes

Still life with a rose, peonies and other flowers in a hardstone vase on a marble ledge, with a bird'snest; Still life with flowers in a hardstone vase on a marble ledge, with a sprig of hydrangea

Jacob Marrel - Still life of tulips, roses, irises, a narcissus, stocks and other flowers in a blue and white vase, with cherries and a snail on a ledge

Jacob Marrel

Still life of tulips, roses, irises, a narcissus, stocks and other flowers in a blue and white vase, with cherries and a snail on a ledge

Sophie Anderson - Girl with lilac

Sophie Anderson

Girl with lilac

Henri Martin - Mer et rochers

Henri Martin

Mer et rochers

Jan van Os - Still life of roses, auriculas, an iris, Fritillaria imperialis, a poppy and other flowers in a terracotta vase

Jan van Os

Still life of roses, auriculas, an iris, Fritillaria imperialis, a poppy and other flowers in a terracotta vase

Pierre-Auguste Renoir - Femme dans un paysage, Cagnes

Pierre-Auguste Renoir

Femme dans un paysage, Cagnes

Henri Martin - Lisette cousant dans le jardin de Marquayrol

Henri Martin

Lisette cousant dans le jardin de Marquayrol

Pierre-Auguste Renoir - Esquisse de paysage, femme en rouge assise

Pierre-Auguste Renoir

Esquisse de paysage, femme en rouge assise

Alexei Alexeievich Harlamoff - Girl with a white veil

Alexei Alexeievich Harlamoff

Girl with a white veil

Montague Dawson - Billowing sails: the clipper Nightingale

Montague Dawson

Billowing sails: the clipper Nightingale

Henri Fantin-Latour - Pivoines et boules de neige

Henri Fantin-Latour

Pivoines et boules de neige

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