
Peter Lanyon - Sea Going

Peter Lanyon

Sea Going

Ceri Richards - Shadows in a room

Ceri Richards

Shadows in a room

Sir Terry Frost - Orange and blue for Aphrodite

Sir Terry Frost

Orange and blue for Aphrodite

Paul Feiler - Untitled

Paul Feiler


Dame Barbara Hepworth - Stringed figure

Dame Barbara Hepworth

Stringed figure

Emily Young - Dawn III, 2022

Emily Young

Dawn III, 2022

Sir Michael Craig-Martin - With red shoes

Sir Michael Craig-Martin

With red shoes

Emily Young - Primavera Torso, 2018

Emily Young

Primavera Torso, 2018

William Turnbull - Small female figure

William Turnbull

Small female figure

William Turnbull - Mask

William Turnbull


Ivon Hitchens - Landscape, spaces of woods and hills

Ivon Hitchens

Landscape, spaces of woods and hills

Emily Young - Alpine Jade Forest Torso, 2011

Emily Young

Alpine Jade Forest Torso, 2011

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