
Post War British

Frederick Gore - Landscape near Merindol with distant Alpilles, during the Mistral

Frederick Gore

Landscape near Merindol with distant Alpilles, during the Mistral

Paul Feiler - Cornish beach

Paul Feiler

Cornish beach

Paul Feiler - Untitled

Paul Feiler


Sir Terry Frost - Orange and blue for Aphrodite

Sir Terry Frost

Orange and blue for Aphrodite

Craigie Aitchison - Bird-vase still life on blue

Craigie Aitchison

Bird-vase still life on blue

Patrick Heron - Cover of Barbican Catalogue: April 24 1985 III

Patrick Heron

Cover of Barbican Catalogue: April 24 1985 III

Patrick Heron - Dark Red Mini with Ultra in Cobalt near Lemon : January 1977

Patrick Heron

Dark Red Mini with Ultra in Cobalt near Lemon : January 1977

Patrick Caulfield - Brown jug

Patrick Caulfield

Brown jug

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