Opening Hours

March 15 - 20
Every day 11AM - 7PM


Forum 100
6229 GV Maastricht
The Netherlands



Walk through the stand




Charles Green talks to Susan Morris about the work by Claude-Joseph Vernet The grand cascade at Tivoli



Sir George Clausen - Sea deep blue

Sir George Clausen

Sea deep blue

John Constable - The Gravel Pits of Hampstead

John Constable

The Gravel Pits of Hampstead

Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot - Ville d'Avray, allée sous bois

Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot

Ville d'Avray, allée sous bois

Edward Cucuel - The picnic

Edward Cucuel

The picnic

Edgar Degas - Cheval marchant au pas relevé

Edgar Degas

Cheval marchant au pas relevé

Victoria Dubourg - Bouquet de roses

Victoria Dubourg

Bouquet de roses

Pieter Faes - Still life with a rose, peonies and other flowers in a hardstone vase on a marble ledge, with a bird'snest; Still life with flowers in a hardstone vase on a marble ledge, with a sprig of hydrangea

Pieter Faes

Still life with a rose, peonies and other flowers in a hardstone vase on a marble ledge, with a bird'snest; Still life with flowers in a hardstone vase on a marble ledge, with a sprig of hydrangea

Henri Fantin-Latour - Roses dans une boule de verre

Henri Fantin-Latour

Roses dans une boule de verre

Jan Griffier - A winter landscape with figures skating and merrymaking by a tavern

Jan Griffier

A winter landscape with figures skating and merrymaking by a tavern

Jessica Hayllar - A pink azalea

Jessica Hayllar

A pink azalea

Willem Claesz Heda - A still life of a rummer of white wine, a mother-of-pearl inlaid knife, a gilt-brass clockwatch with a blue ribbon, a pewter plate with capers, a peeled lemon and a façon-de-Venise wineglass on a table

Willem Claesz Heda

A still life of a rummer of white wine, a mother-of-pearl inlaid knife, a gilt-brass clockwatch with a blue ribbon, a pewter plate with capers, a peeled lemon and a façon-de-Venise wineglass on a table

Jan Davidsz. de Heem - Still life on a wooden table partly covered with a dark green cloth with a peach, grapes, cherries and lemon

Jan Davidsz. de Heem

Still life on a wooden table partly covered with a dark green cloth with a peach, grapes, cherries and lemon

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