Opening Hours

March 15 - 20
Every day 11AM - 7PM


Forum 100
6229 GV Maastricht
The Netherlands



Walk through the stand




Charles Green talks to Susan Morris about the work by Claude-Joseph Vernet The grand cascade at Tivoli



Dame Barbara Hepworth - Hollow oval (January)

Dame Barbara Hepworth

Hollow oval (January)

Abraham Hulk Snr - Fishing boats on a breezy day; Fishing boats in a calm at sunrise

Abraham Hulk Snr

Fishing boats on a breezy day; Fishing boats in a calm at sunrise

Jacob van Hulsdonck - Still life of strawberries and a carnation

Jacob van Hulsdonck

Still life of strawberries and a carnation

Fredrik Marinus Kruseman - Winter scene

Fredrik Marinus Kruseman

Winter scene

Gustave Loiseau - Printemps, pommier en fleurs

Gustave Loiseau

Printemps, pommier en fleurs

Gustave Loiseau - Le Quai du Pothuis à Pontoise

Gustave Loiseau

Le Quai du Pothuis à Pontoise

Laurence Stephen Lowry - Children walking

Laurence Stephen Lowry

Children walking

Maximilien Luce - La maison de Suzanne Valadon

Maximilien Luce

La maison de Suzanne Valadon

Henri Manguin - Femme endormie, petite Marie

Henri Manguin

Femme endormie, petite Marie

Henri Manguin - Le Pas de la Colle, Cassis

Henri Manguin

Le Pas de la Colle, Cassis

Albert Marquet - Triel, Bord de Seine

Albert Marquet

Triel, Bord de Seine

Jacob Marrel - Still life of tulips, roses, irises, a narcissus, stocks and other flowers in a blue and white vase, with cherries and a snail on a ledge

Jacob Marrel

Still life of tulips, roses, irises, a narcissus, stocks and other flowers in a blue and white vase, with cherries and a snail on a ledge

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