Opening Hours

March 15 - 20
Every day 11AM - 7PM


Forum 100
6229 GV Maastricht
The Netherlands



Walk through the stand




Charles Green talks to Susan Morris about the work by Claude-Joseph Vernet The grand cascade at Tivoli



Willem van Aelst - Still life of flowers in an ornamental glass vase on a stone ledge with butterflies, a snail and a spider

Willem van Aelst

Still life of flowers in an ornamental glass vase on a stone ledge with butterflies, a snail and a spider

Sophie Anderson - Girl with lilac

Sophie Anderson

Girl with lilac

Balthasar van der Ast - Still life of roses, shells and insects on a table

Balthasar van der Ast

Still life of roses, shells and insects on a table

Osias Beert The Elder - Still life of a pewter plate of hazelnuts and walnuts, a facon-de-Venise glass of red wine and a Red Admiral butterfly (Vanessa atalanta) on a table top

Osias Beert The Elder

Still life of a pewter plate of hazelnuts and walnuts, a facon-de-Venise glass of red wine and a Red Admiral butterfly (Vanessa atalanta) on a table top

Nicolaes Claesz Berchem - A halt on the falcon hunt

Nicolaes Claesz Berchem

A halt on the falcon hunt

Ambrosius Bosschaert the Elder - A still life of tulips, roses, lily-of-the-valley, forget-me-nots, cyclamen and other flowers in a gilt-mounted Wanli vase, with shells and a pansy on a ledge

Ambrosius Bosschaert the Elder

A still life of tulips, roses, lily-of-the-valley, forget-me-nots, cyclamen and other flowers in a gilt-mounted Wanli vase, with shells and a pansy on a ledge

Eugene Boudin - Fécamp, le bassin

Eugene Boudin

Fécamp, le bassin

Eugene Boudin - Trouville, scene de plage

Eugene Boudin

Trouville, scene de plage

Josef van Bredael - A village scene with travellers by a windmill

Josef van Bredael

A village scene with travellers by a windmill

Josef van Bredael - A winter landscape with a cart and a waggon, a hunter and his dogs and figures skating below a town

Josef van Bredael

A winter landscape with a cart and a waggon, a hunter and his dogs and figures skating below a town

Jan Brueghel The Elder - Landscape with travellers

Jan Brueghel The Elder

Landscape with travellers

Pieter Brueghel The Younger - The Swan Inn: peasants feasting and merrymaking in a village street

Pieter Brueghel The Younger

The Swan Inn: peasants feasting and merrymaking in a village street

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